- 发布日期:2024-03-01 02:07 点击次数:185 在线游戏平台博彩平台常见问题解答
Edwards, Halliburton, Lillard, Adebayo, Davis, Booker should be the other 6.
爱德华兹、哈利伯顿、利拉德、阿德巴约、戴维斯、布克应该是另外 6 东谈主。
博彩平台常见问题解答Why is Lebron on it still? Hasn’t he had his moment. Time for the younger players to take it over
They should start Holiday, Curry, Kawhi, Tatum, Embiid. Rotation off the bench lebron 6th man, AD, Booker, Jaylen Brown, KD, Derrick White, Bam, Anthony Edward’s, Aaron Gordon, Tyrese Haliburton. Gonna be some tough cuts but I Think they’ve gotta go with some certain guys themat will be complimentary and play similar roles to what they normally do. Not all about scoring but leadership, defense, and teamwork.
Part of it depends on who’s still healthy enough to play at the end of the NBA season. There’s a lot of older players being talked about. But if they can get a healthy Embiid at center, that would be great for USA. If not, then AD and/or Bam, maybe even Chet too for another look at center, depending on matchups.
EDIT: My mistake, I thought since Towns had dual citizenship and could still possibly play for the USA, but apparently not
这部分取决于 NBA 赛季摒弃时谁还能健康地打球。有好多年长的球员正在被筹议。但淌若他们能在中锋位置上得到一个健康的恩比德,那对好意思国队来说是件善事。淌若不可,那么浓眉和/或巴姆,以致切特也不错再打中锋,这取决于对位情况。
I think guys that already have gold medals should sit out and let a young player eat…especially the ones that were involved in this past all star game
If that's the lineup the world should just throw in the towel now. No one is beating Steph, KD, and Tatum. The rest are just icing on that smackdown cake
淌若是这么的威望,全寰宇当今齐应该扔掉毛巾。莫得东谈主能打败斯蒂芬、KD 和塔图姆。剩下的名单仅仅镌脾琢肾良友。
Idk how cameroonians feel about embiid representing usa man….Like he should represent his own country and make the game of basketball popular in his own country.

Crazy to think this will be LeBron’s last run on team USA. Possibly Steph and KD as well.
Funny how they want Curry to start for team USA but pushed him to the bench for the ALL star game...... prettt pathetic. That a champion got treated like that. Not only a champion but the best shooter this games ever seen' smh.
Rest of the world:
皇冠淘宝店The USA Redeem Dream Team
C- Joel Embiid, Bam Adebayo
PF- Anthony Davis, Jason Tatum
SF- Kevin Durant, Lebron James, Kawhi Leonard
uG环球现金网SG- Jrue Holiday, Devin Booker, Paul George
PG- Stephen Curry, Kyrie Irving
Pls make this happen!! Solid line up!
中锋- 乔尔-恩比德、巴姆-阿德巴约
大先锋- 安东尼-戴维斯、杰森-塔图姆
小先锋- 凯文-杜兰特、勒布朗-詹姆斯、卡瓦伊-莱昂纳德
得分后卫- 霍乐迪、德文-布克、保罗-乔治
Give them the medal already
Team USA gotta have some defensive guys so I understand Jrue being on the team but a lock though?
Everyone gonna hate on Jrue holiday but the reality is team USA doesn’t need all scorers, they need other guys who can play elite defense and hit open shots and not many people do that better than Jrue
No way I’m Watching or Supporting Team USA this year! Seeing how they played lasted year as well as All Star Game as well as this year.So sick of it!
Jrue is on the list so people say Tatum is the only non-mvp on the list
皇冠现金网Holiday played a lot better than Lillard in the last Olympics.
Jrue Holiday seeing this list
12th player should be an off-ball player. A cutter like Aaron Gordon or a shooter like Duncan Robinson.
somebody gotta guard Luka. they all scared of him.
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